Family Training and Counseling

Family Counseling in Roseville, Minnesota

young lady and old man

Not only do we offer compassionate care and support to those in need, but we can also train family members and provide them with counseling as well. This is so you are able to offer your loved one improved and enhanced care. This gives you the ability to know what to do if you do not want to leave their care in the hands of someone else!

Legal authority

Federally approved BI, CAC, CADI and DD waiver plans


Family training and counseling: Services provided for the person and/or the family as identified in the support plan.

Covered services


Covered services may include the following for the person and/or family members:

  • Instruction about treatment regimens
  • Updates as appropriate to safely maintain the person at home
  • Use of equipment specified in the support plan.

When training is in the form of a class, course or conference, reimbursement is limited to enrollment fees and related materials.


Covered services may include help for a person and/or family members with any of the following:

  • Boundary issues
  • Communication techniques
  • Conflict management
  • Family roles
  • Problem solving
  • Relationships.

Person-centered planning

The lead agency may use the family training and counseling service to cover the following expenses during the person-centered planning process:

  • Educate the person about what person-centered planning is
  • Pay for a professional person-centered planner to help a person develop his or her plan.

Professionals who participate in the planning session can bill for that time under this service, as well.

Non-covered Services

The family training service does not cover:

  • Lodging
  • Meals
  • Transportation
  • Travel.

If any of these costs are included in a training registration fee, they must be deducted from the reimbursable amount.

Secondary Information

Definition of “family”

For purposes of this service, family is defined as the people who live with or routinely provide care to a person served on the waiver. Family may include a:

  • Child
  • Foster family
  • In-law
  • Parent
  • Relative by blood, marriage or adoption
  • Spouse.

Family does not include individuals who are employed to care for the person.


To use waiver funds to cover a training, the person, his/her legal guardian, or one of his/her family members submits the following information to the case manager:

  • An explanation of the need for training
  • A summary of the training (e.g., course syllabus, training objectives or workshop description).

The case manager determines if the training will be authorized and keeps the documentation in the person’s file.

Provider standards and qualifications


Training provided one-on-one, in-home is an approval-option: direct-delivery service. Training provided in a group setting is an approval-option: purchased-item service. For more information, see CBSM – Waiver/AC service provider overview.

Training provided by individuals, agencies or educational facilities offering classes, courses or conferences must be able to perform the duties expected and provide a cost-effective, appropriate means of meeting the person’s family training needs.

Medical equipment suppliers must be enrolled Medicaid providers under Minn. R. 9505.0195. The case manager must determine if it is appropriate for the medical equipment supplier to provide training in the use of the equipment provided to the person.


Counseling is a DHS enrollment-required service. For more information, see CBSM – Waiver/AC service provider overview.
Eligible providers

Under this waiver service, the following providers may provide counseling:

  • Mental health professionals licensed and/or qualified according to Minn. Stat. §245.462 or 245.4871
  • Nutritional therapists with a bachelor degree in nutrition and foods or a closely related field, and registered as a dietitian with the Commission of Dietetic Registration
  • Occupational therapists registered by the American Occupational Therapy Association as an occupational therapist
  • Physical therapists who are graduates of a program of physical therapy approved by both the Council on Medical Education of the American Medical Association and the American Physical Therapy Association, or its equivalent; physical therapists also must be registered under Minn. Stat. §148.70
  • Physicians licensed under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 147
  • Registered nurses and public health nurses licensed under Minn. Stat. §148.171 to 148.285
  • Respiratory therapists who are graduates of a program in Respiratory Therapy approved by the Council of Medical Education of the American Medical Association in collaboration with the American Respiratory Therapy Association, or its equivalent.
  • Social workers who are graduates of a school of social work accredited by the Council on Social Work Education; social workers also must meet the minimum qualifications of a social worker under the Minnesota Merit System or a county civil service system in Minnesota
  • Speech-language pathologists with a certificate of clinical competence in speech-language pathologies from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

Authorization, rates and billing

The lead agency authorizes family training and counseling at the market rate. For more information, see Long-Term Services and Supports Service Rate Limits, DHS-3945 (PDF).

Additional resources

CBSM – BI, CAC, CADI and DD waivers general process and procedures